A sandy beach with a gentle wave and blue skies with light cloud.

New Digs

Independence Day Hello Boys GIFfrom Independence Day GIFs I’m Back!  I’ve done a Baggin’s and disappeared only to reappear again sometime later. There was a journey, adventure, peril, fear and enough anxiety to last me quite some time. In short: I moved house.  As you may know, the process of moving home is fraught with …

View looking across a Cornish coastline with an overcast sky.

Lammas, the Harvest, and an eccentric Cornish pastor

The schools are out, and here in the UK, summer is proving to be a bit of a washout. It’s interesting to see how ancient festivals based around the seasons still play out in our modern-day lives. We still tether school holidays to Christian festivals. These echo older traditions based around the agricultural year. The …

Moorland landscape with granite rocks in the foreground and a granite tor shrouded by mist in the background.

Murder on Bodmin Moor: The Tragic Story of Charlotte Dymond and Matthew Weekes

Rough Tor I have walked to the summit of Rough Tor countless times. In the snow. In the blistering hot sunshine. With a full-on gale robbing my breath away. Suited and booted in the rain washing down the slope in streams. I have been going up here when I was probably too small to walk …