Emma Cox Blog Beta Reading A woman reading a paperback book

Five things which have helped me become a better beta reader

Beta Readers are invaluable to writers. They put their trust in them to read and critique their work. So what have I learnt since becoming a beta reader?  1) Stick to guidelines and deadlines Writers should give you guidance on what they want from you. Ask first if they would like you to offer help …

Photograph of an iron teapot and notebook

Exploring Your Writing Through Twitter Hashtag Prompts

Twitter has a wonderful writing community. I think the best part is the hashtag prompts. Take #vssnature, which I host, as an example. The aim is to write a tweet-sized very short story (vss) on the prompt word. I limited this prompt to nature words, but there are other daily and weekly hashtag prompts to …

Clouties tied in a tree near Sacred Holywell, Cornwall

A Guide to World Building in Fantasy: Religions

Religion is a significant part of world building in fantasy because every society has its own origin story. Even in places where the popularity of religion is fading, it still heavily imprints on society. It is the story of creation and how your characters perceive how they fit within it. Developing a framework Getting the …

An Introductory Guide to World Building in Fantasy

The delight (and bane) of writing fantasy is world building. As well as writing the story, the author must also become a tour guide, knowledgeable in the environment, people, cultures, and much more. Alongside the book, there will be hundreds of notes compiling the equivalent of a Lonely Planet guide to your fantasy realm.  How …